Saturday, February 14, 2009

One year Birthday and Review

Today, 14th February, is the ARS one year birthday. Zeniph created this clan last year and it finally became one of the strongest and famed team in the first month, Asian Red Stars, the sole Asian representation in the Power Soccer. During the first month, nearly all official cups are ours. This is the strength, unity and power shown by our team.

ARS can fulfill the Asian Champion Cup as we had all the level 50+ at that time after the second month. Other minor clans even want to join us, as we are so strong and united, and hence comes out a collaboration, AMKK after the 3rd month, April 2007.

Afterwards, Power Soccer had a lot of changes and carried out many different versions that we all needed time to adapt. Moreover, many members were retired or no longer active, the shining of the Stars became less and less, the Stars became darker and darker. Finally, we restructured to become Asian Republics, and only the active players are the members of this new restructured one. No Cheat!

Many more unlucky things happened while we were still in Asian Republics. Some great players left our clan and some were even suspended due to the violations of Power Soccer rules.

Finally, I come back and have to start the processes of revitalising the ARS from a gloomer republics to become a rising star again. This clan is not dead, but it is alive and united!!! We, as a member of Asian Red Stars, should give one more contributions to this clan and get back to the top 10 position!!!