Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday to --ARS-- tomorrow!

14th February, 2009 will mark our clan's first ever birthday, after being formed officially on 14th February, 2008. It have been a good first half of this one year as we're climbing up the ranks and being amongst the top 10 clans for once, and a quiet second half as the clan become inactive due to commitments in daily life of our members and so does the owners.

Well, before the next annual ball game starts tomorrow, i would like to announce some updates of --ARS-- as a start. First and foremost, we'll be moving to our long awaited website, url will be annouce here soon, and our blog here could be discarded to make our new website a one stop centre for updates about our clan. Secondly, our clan name will be switch back to Asian Red Stars from Asian Republics as requested by many of our members.

Other updates can be found at our website, so stay tune!

Happy Birthday Red Star! Cheers all!

zeniph @ --ARS--