Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday --ARS--!

Despite already having quitted the game of Power Soccer half an year ago, --ARS-- has undoubtedly contributed an important and significant part to my life...

A year ago, together with the likes of Zeniph, Kingextreme, Ashish (Maxzer), Kaizer and Flammable etc, being one of the earliest members of --ARS-- is definitely an honour. Watching the clan grow day by day, bit by bit, is something that really brings joy and excitement to my everyday life.

Today's the first birthday of --ARS--, and here I am, Alan (alanarsenal), coming back to this particular blog that meant so much for the clan in the past year, wishing --ARS-- a very happy birthday! May --ARS-- will continue to grow and prosper in the near future, into a world-wide well known PS clan! :)