Monday, March 24, 2008

Announcement: AMKK formed!

We are proud to finally announce the success of our clan collaboration project with our buddy clans: --KAKA--, --KANE-RAIN-- & --ManU--. AMKK will be the new initial after 9(50%) of votes from the first phase and 6(42%) from the second phase of the special polling held had help decided it as the best among the rest. Therefore from now onwards, we will all be adding in our initial AMKK at the back of our team name (e.g.:
--ARS-- AMKK). Meanwhile, AMKK will also be sharing certain clan members who decides to join up multiple clans and of course successes by these particular players will be shared evenly by AMKK clans who owned them. Certainly, there will be more fantastic stuffs coming up from AMKK, stay tune!