Monday, March 31, 2008

Video: Perfect Goals!!! (Chapter of Freekicks)

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: s9708953a --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: flammable --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: maxzer --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

ATTENTION: Beware of Password Fraud

We have recently discover a player cholo10xxx conning victims to take over their account by promising free membership for certain period. Unfortunately, one of our member had been a victim and we would like to share a smart solution by him to get back the account if anyone had lost it before, go to "forget password" and fill in your user name and email, and retrieve the current password for your account. Anyway, our advice is not to give away your password to anyone in any situations!

m.banjir Departed From Our Clan.

It's a happy but sad day as m.banjir had departed from the clan to concentrate on his own team/clan Fire Fly United FC. We thank him well for all his contribution to --ARS-- and wish he'll shine brightly like a fire fly in future!

Quickie News: razona --ARS-- Triumps in PowerTour no.12

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Congrats to razona --ARS-- for bagging a bronze the in PowerTour no.12-2008 held recently.

Info & Screen Shot by: razona --ARS--

Our First Japanese Red Star!

We're proud to introduce our first Japanese member ciennel --ARS-- who had join us earlier today. ciennel, known for his reputation as a polite and sporting player, will drive --ARS-- far as a fair play clan! Big welcome to our growing family!

New Member on March 27th!

Welcome kevi24 --ARS-- who becomes our second Australian member of the clan on March 27th! Welcome on becoming a member of our family!

Red Stars Reaches 50 on Cup Wins!

zeniph --ARS-- wraps up the treble today by winning the Asia & AU Expert Cup 270 2008. Viva, we're back to counting cups again!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hail Kenny And Maxzer!

Kenny and Maxzer won consecutively 3 EXPERT cups amongst them in the past two days!

Kenny won two expert cups, Asia & AU Expert Cup 267 and 268! and Maxzer added the Cup 269 into the list!

--ARS--ASIA thank you for your contributions! 49 Trophies now!!! Cheer Guys!

Keep up the good work guys!

(Kind Reminder: DST starts today in europe, so timings shift forward by an hour over here! For example, Cups that are supposed to be 12nn are at 11am now! Real Life Football matches also follow this rule! UCL matches start at 2.45AM SGT instead of 3.45AM SGT now!)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Notice: Two Members Booted Out!

We have terminated the membership of m.faris for dissent during matches and newly joined tohai86 for swearing in gamerooms.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Golden 39th!

This is a superb day as we welcome our first Canadian member razona --ARS-- after our very first Australian Red Star on the same day. Welcome to our growing family and we're going worldwide!

Welcoming Our First Aussie Red Star!

It's another page of history as we welcome our first Australian member dah_best --ARS-- to our clan. Compliments to flammable --ARS-- for the great job on bringing in this very special member on this special day. ViVA!

Cup won!

maxzer --ARS-- went on to lift the Asia & AU Expert Cup 256 2008 today. The trophy will be the next one for the Asian Red Stars' trophy cabinet. Well done maxzer!

Oppss....Something's Missing!

Oppss...almost left out my very own country colours on the list of badges, so here comes ARS MALAYSIA! Anak Malaysia, grab it now!

Colour Up Your World Today!

We are finally launching our multi-colours --ARS-- badges after some great suggestions by our members and a successful polling session. First of all, i would like to thank you all for contributing the ideas on colours selection. Besides our Original Red colour badge and The Blues Edition, i have added another 8 different colours of badges which is Buzzing Green & Dutch Orange(request from our polling session), Kaizer White(idea by kaizer05 --ARS--), Reddish Black (my own idea), and 4 other custom made badges according to countries of our clan members. Click on the image above for the large view of the colours available, choose your favourite or get it all from me now!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Video: Teasing Freekick!

Submitted by: zeniph --ARS--
Date: 25/03/2008
Title: Teasing freekick!
Description: Another great free kick from our master maxzer --ARS--, the ball bounce once and heads into the goal which makes a special goal even unique!
Credits:maxzer --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Monday, March 24, 2008

Navigate Around Freely!

As a matter of fact that our blog is expanding rapidly, at times it looks a bit congested with too many elements jammed on one page. So after receiving some good suggestions by our blog viewers on solving this problem, we have added a navigator of flash buttons on the right side of our blog. Now, with this new navigator, many elements originally on our main page will be divided neatly into individual pages, so blog viewing are made much easier now by just clicking the buttons to select the contents you wish to view. A big thanks to all our blog readers for the suggestion and hope you enjoy our blog a little bit more now! We'll keep improving it!

Announcement: AMKK formed!

We are proud to finally announce the success of our clan collaboration project with our buddy clans: --KAKA--, --KANE-RAIN-- & --ManU--. AMKK will be the new initial after 9(50%) of votes from the first phase and 6(42%) from the second phase of the special polling held had help decided it as the best among the rest. Therefore from now onwards, we will all be adding in our initial AMKK at the back of our team name (e.g.:
--ARS-- AMKK). Meanwhile, AMKK will also be sharing certain clan members who decides to join up multiple clans and of course successes by these particular players will be shared evenly by AMKK clans who owned them. Certainly, there will be more fantastic stuffs coming up from AMKK, stay tune!

The 37th Red Star Recruited!

We are glad to announce another new member karan173 --ARS-- from India, welcome and thanks for joining in our big family!

Members, Be a Part Of Our Crew Now!

Guys, our 1 month old clan is getting bigger and so does our blog which is nearing its first full month since launching. Daily operations and tasks of managing our clan and blog are much tougher now as it is improving and expanding almost daily. Therefore, we have decided to share out our workloads(haha!) with our members by organizing post for specific jobs as shown below:

Reporter(2 Vacancies)
* Reports important stuff inside power soccer mainly on cup wins of our members to
gather the most updated news for our clan.
* Must have good command of English and writting skills.
* Authorized to write blogs mainly on latest news.
* Reporter comes under editors as editors are responsible for editing blog posts.

Editor(0 Vacancies)
* In charge of editing & managing all the post on our blog.
* Requires good command of English and writting skills. Knowing more languages will
be extra an advantage.
* Authorized to write blogs and articles.

Talent Scout(3 Vacancies)
* Carries the job of finding potential new members.
* Good judgment and observation is needed.
* Good communication skills will be an extra advantage as scouts will mostly be
responsible for persuading the spotted targets to join our clan.

Chat Box Moderator(5 Vacancies)
* Head of our blog's chat box.
* Keep misbehaving users out of our chat box.
* Must be able to spare as much time daily to observe the chat box's running.

Further guidelines of all the positions will be emailed to successful applicants. Hurry now, fill in the form down there and be part of our crew!

maxzer --ARS-- tops by luck and walkover!!!

maxzer has done for our clan by luck and walkover!

maxzer --ARS-- lifted the Asia & AU Expert Cup 246 2008 on his lucky effort today! Bringing in his another expert cup to our clan, congrats & keep it up!


Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: s9708953a --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: flammable --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: maxzer --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 21/03/2008
Title: Old Goodies (Chapter of Corner kicks)
Description: This is a beautiful memoir to the old version of Power Soccer. The ball is hard to swerve to be a direct goal, but this is a brilliant goal even if the goalie having 200 in reaction also can't grip the ball before it goes straight into the net.
Credits:KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight in my computer).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 18/03/2008
Title: Fantastic continuous movement!
Description: This is undoubtly an outstanding free kick in any given version of Power Soccer. This needs some advanced timely key combination to have such combo attack. The ball seems not offensive enough that the opponent keeper even agrees when it kicks, but after my attacker on time kicks it and changes the direction a little bit, the ball goes straight into the net.
Credits:KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: zeniph --ARS--
Date: 17/03/2008
Title: Lovely freekick!
Description: This is absolutely an outstanding free kick in any given version of Power Soccer. The ball leaps over almost everything including the wall, defence, keeper and goes straight into the net.
Credits:maxzer --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by:zeniph --ARS--
Title:Now This Is What I Call an Open Goal..
Description: A funny goal which is affected by server bug, a free kick was given
instead of a penalty right in front of the goal mouth with keeper watching
it helplessly!
Credits:ginolawong(who owns this video highlight).

Contact Us

Asian Republics (ARS) Clan Mail:

Contact the Owners:





Any suggestion or comments are welcome. Feel free to drop us a mail regarding on clan or power soccer matters, thanks!


Sidering Knockout

Click here to play this game

Trophy Cabinet

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Clan Rules

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--ARS-- Crew

zeniph --ARS--
alanarsenal --ARS--

alanarsenal --ARS--
kingextreme --ARS--
kaizer05 --ARS--

maxzer --ARS--

Graphic Artist
zeniph --ARS--

Chatbox Moderators
alanarsenal --ARS--
zeniph --ARS--
razona --ARS--
kaizer05 --ARS--

Talent Scouts
flammable --ARS--
maxzer --ARS--

--ARS-- Members












Saturday, March 22, 2008

Comparison between the New Version and the Old Goodies (Chapter of Corner Kicks)

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 22/03/2008
Title: New Versions (Chapter of Corner kicks)
Description: This is a superb corner kick in the new version of Power Soccer. The ball is swerved to be a goal directly, it is one of the merits in the new version and acts as a comparison between the new version and the old version.
Credits: KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Friday, March 21, 2008

Video: Old Goodies (Chapter of Corner kicks)

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 21/03/2008
Title: Old Goodies (Chapter of Corner kicks)
Description: This is a beautiful memoir to the old version of Power Soccer. The ball is hard to swerve to be a direct goal, but this is a brilliant goal even if the goalie having 200 in reaction also can't grip the ball before it goes straight into the net.
Credits:KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight in my computer).

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

--ARS-- Welcomes Twin Prodigy!

We are proud to unveil our twin recruits of prodigy players miko2001 --ARS-- from the Philippines and alieep --ARS-- from Malaysia. Welcome to our rising clan, ViVA!

Special Recommendation Announcement

Now, the game has changed a lot in this newer version. It is easier to tackle (both slide tackling and snatching) and to be tackled, especially there will be a BIG opportunity that the offenders can tackle your defenders to face your goalie only, but long-ranged shots in the mid-field will be goals as well.

Further, the rank point system is now on, it is recommended that practising more before playing any official matches or cups. No Cheat!

Finally, please remember that FAIR PLAY is important. Our clan does not allow any cheating.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Video: Fantastic continuous movement!

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 18/03/2008
Title: Fantastic continuous movement!
Description: This is undoubtly an outstanding free kick in any given version of Power Soccer. This needs some advanced timely key combination to have such combo attack. The ball seems not offensive enough that the opponent keeper even agrees when it kicks, but after my attacker on time kicks it and changes the direction a little bit, the ball goes straight into the net.
Credits:KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

P.S. This is my first post to the clan.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Video: Lovely Freekick!

Submitted by: zeniph --ARS--
Date: 17/03/2008
Title: Lovely freekick!
Description: This is absolutely an outstanding free kick in any given version of Power Soccer. The ball leaps over almost everything including the wall, defence, keeper and goes straight into the net.
Credits:maxzer --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Last Warning: Stop Vandalizing Our Blog!

I would like to advice white who vandalise our blog earlier today to stop your act. We know who you are and leaving behind your blog's URL is the most foolish act as it cames from the same IP address between the fake zeniph --ARS-- and yourself(as shown in image). If this matter continues, i will consider all possibilities of taking legal actions to protect our blog.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New comer joins --ARSY--

Power Soccer new comer ronaldo_mighty --ARSY-- has joined our youth team under the recommendation of senior member flammable --ARS--, welcome!

Friday, March 14, 2008


It's 14 March 2008! For those who don't know what is so special about today, let me tell you!


Zeniph, the founder of the clan, made this clan exist on this day one month ago, and expanded it till what it is like today! Here are the current members, and the date they joined the clan over the past one month!

14 Feb

15 Feb

16 Feb

17 Feb

18 Feb

19 Feb

20 Feb

21 Feb

23 Feb
s9708953a (eddy)

25 Feb

28 Feb

29 Feb

1 Mar

2 Mar

7 Mar

10 Mar

11 Mar

13 Mar

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Another Young Prospect to Our Clan!

Promising talent lololo2008 --ARS-- had become a part of our growing family starting from today, also he'll be an integral part of our youth project, so everyone let's give a warm welcome to our new boy!

kingextreme --ARS-- Hits Top Gear With Another Cup for Red Stars!

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Today, kingextreme --ARS-- continues his fine form of winning multiple cups as he bags in the AF & PCD Expert Cup 214 2008 to complete another double for our clan. Bright sparks to the victory as the king fought hard to win 4-2 against egyptian player me in the final! Yes people, the king of cups has done it again, bravo!

maxzer --ARS-- on Cloud 9!

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After making he's debut in the Asia & AU Expert Cup 213 2008 yesterday, maxzer --ARS-- lifted the Asia & AU Expert Cup 214 2008 on his second effort today! Bringing in his first experts cup to our clan, congrats & keep it up!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Announcement: kelvin_jr Leaves Our Clan Today.

After a very brief spell with our clan, kelvin_jr --ARS-- has decided to leave our clan to pursuit his dream with --LIV--, leaving with a rookie cup for --ARS--, we would like to thank kelvin for his contribution and wish him the very best! Good luck!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

First Cup of the Day Goes To...alanarsenal(Kenny) --ARS--!

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After an emphatic display in the final against diveant which end with a 5-5 draw, alanarsenal(Kenny) --ARS-- went on to win it on penalties 10-9, much of a tight match but Kenny did well under intense pressure from his opponent to win the Asia & AU Expert Cup 212 2008 convincingly! Well done mate! Keep it up!

Another New Youth Member!

Promising talent arjenbens --ARS-- had officially joined us today under the introduction of kingextreme --ARS--. Welcome to the Red Stars family!

Monday, March 10, 2008

New Member: 5-zal_7263 Switches to Red Stars.

We're proud to welcome 5-zal_7263 --ARS-- to our clan after his decision to leave --FAMPS-- for good. 5-zal_7263 --ARS-- will now join his brother marzuki --ARS-- as part of our big family, welcome mate!

Tips & Tricks: Smart Tackles

Some tips here for effective tackles, at 70% success rate:

*Aim & tackle the ball instead of the player who runs the ball.(Good timing and accuracy is needed)
*Tackle from front because it doesn't work well anymore tackling from behind after the recent updates.
*Try to intercept passes, snatch the ball in between passes to gain more possession.
*Practice slow runs in front of a striker who dribbles in the box, as he might lose the ball directly to your defender or shot straight at your defender.

Last tip, remember that we have only 2 effective tackles(or even one if the striker is too speedy) from one defender in a short space from the edge of the box to the inside of it. So the theory here is tackle once on the edge and run in and prepare for the second tackle(in case the first one fails) in the penalty box, do not repeat tackles continuously as you'll waste 2 effective tackles at once, allowing the striker to run in freely and score as he likes.

P/S: All the tips above are just my personal experience and skills which i wish to share out, it might differs from what's on the field providing that every team has its own character and strength. Good luck and happy trying!

Red Stars Cup Treble Completed by kingextreme --ARS--!

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The all conquering kingextreme --ARS-- strikes a double cup win in a row by winning the AF & PCD Expert Cup 208 2008 & AF & PCD Expert Cup 209 2008 to capped a fine start to the week with a treble of trophies to the Red Stars. Let's hail the king of extreme cups! Congrats!

The First --ARSY-- Of Our Clan!

Everyone let's welcome samar2 --ARSY-- who became our 1st Red Star Youth today, known as Samay, he is also the brother of our member samarguptar --ARS--. Welcome to our big family Samay!

power360 --ARS-- Brings in His First Ever Cup for Red Stars!

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After an impressive route to final, our very own Red Star power360 --ARS-- had lifted the Asia & AU Rookie Cup 208 2008 which is also his personal 1st for our clan! Fantastic display and hope for more to come from you, congrats!

Video: Now This Is What I Call an Open Goal..

Submitted by:zeniph --ARS--
Title:Now This Is What I Call an Open Goal..
Description: A funny goal which is affected by server bug, a free kick was given
instead of a penalty right in front of the goal mouth with keeper watching
it helplessly!
Credits:ginolawong(who owns this video highlight).

New --ARS-- Member roanxd

Let's all give a big welcome to our new Red Star roanxd --ARS-- who officially joined us yesterday! Welcome to the clan roanxd --ARS--!

kingextreme --ARS-- Completes the Double!

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Congrats to our member kingextreme --ARS-- who had completed a double cup win for us today by lifting the AF & PCD Expert Cup 206 2008 with convincing score lines of 6-2 in the semis & 10-1 in the final.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Kaizer05 wins it!

Kaizer05 has done it again for --ARS--!

Kaizer05 --ARS-- once left the clan due to personal reasons, however, he came back even stronger than ever and won his second cup since then. He lifted the Asia & AU Expert Cup 205 2008 today to increase the Asian Red Stars' trophy tally to 37. Hail Kaizer05 --ARS--!!!!

Monthly Report/Scope: February-March

Heading into march, it is time to look back on the progress of our clan which exist not more than a month since its forming on 14th Feb, 2008.

2/22/08: Official launching of our blog here.
2/23/08: 1st cup double of the clan.
2/27/08: --ARS-- founds a new identity in Asian Red Stars. On the same day, our clan
gained acknowledgment as an official clan being listed in Power Soccer.
2/28/08: The 1st treble of trophies for our clan.
2/29/08: By the end of the month, our clan has a total of 23 members and still
expanding. As well as trophies, we have grab in a total of 25 different
cups and reach 30 blog post.

Impressive month for a start, i would like to thank everyone for their whole hearted contribution to --ARS--. To start things off in March, we have even greater plans to be carry out. First of all, i would like to announce alanarsenal(Alan) --ARS-- as admin for our blog(started back in Feb) and he also holds the power of recruiting new members and managing our clan from now on. Plans/Scope for March-April are as listed below:

*Video highlights will be added as part of our daily blog post. All our members may submit any interesting videos(restricted to highlight videos of Power Soccer) to me by email: & all submitted videos(with no errors) will be posted out.

*Asian Red Stars Youth --ARSY-- will be form to gather players from level 1-20. Potential youth members will be train as much by our clan in various efforts to develop outstanding playing skills. --ARSY-- is not a compulsory process for young level members(who still prefers to remain as --ARS--), it just serve as a sub team of --ARS-- to recruit potential future Red Stars.

*Skills sharing and discussion will be added to our blog for all members to raise their knowledge about the game. Anyone who likes to share any of their skills, tips, killer moves, please send in to: attach with videos or images will be much appreciated.

*More administrators are needed here to lessen the burden of the current admins. Anyone interested may apply to be admin. Applicants however must have good command in English grammar & writing, with a little or much knowledge in blogging & being able to spend little time on updating the blog daily.

Till the coming month, let's turn --ARS-- from zero to hero, keep it up!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Promising Talent Wins Cup

Kelvin_jr --ARS--, only level 13, had won --ARS-- their 36th silverware!

This very promising talent of the future had won the Asia & AU Rookie cup 202 2008 today with an exhilarating 5-4 close win over his Aussie opponent in the finals. Nevertheless, it was a good win and surely in the future, kelvin_jr will go on to win big things for the clan!

Well done Kelvin_jr --ARS--! Keep up the good work, mate!

New Beta Site of Power Soccer!

Guys, check out this new beta site of Power Soccer at: out the game and give them a feedback so that they can improve the game effectively through our suggestion and comments. Help build a better game for everyone and at the same time enjoying it, why not?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cup won!

Eddy --ARS-- (s9708953a) has done it again!

With results of 3-0 and 5-2 in the quarter finals and semis, he went on to lift the Asia & AU Expert Cup 201 2008 today. The trophy will be the 35th for the Asian Red Stars' trophy cabinet. Well done Eddy!

Cup Double Glory for Red Stars Today!

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The Red Stars bags another cup double today as zeniph --ARS-- brought home the Asian & AU Expert Cup 197 2008 & pele_world --ARS-- going against all odds to win the Asian & AU Rookie Cup 198 2008 which is also his personal 1st for the clan! Well done and keep the cups rolling in boys!

More Young Guns Recruited!

We are proud to announce our 4 new recruits kelvin_jr --ARS--, power360 --ARS--,riff48 --ARS-- & ash_ruff93 --ARS-- whom has joined us offcially on 3rd of March, 2008. Welcome to the clan boys! (Due to some technical problems here updates of the offical clan list will be delayed, sorry for any inconvenience!)