Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Stars shining in Asia

What a day for Asian Red Stars --ARS--!

Firstly it was the cup win by s9708953s(Eddy) --ARS-- at the 5pm Asia Expert cup. Eddy won his second for the clan and what an acheivement! Secondly, flammable --ARS-- won the same 8pm cup. An "all-Star" finals had confirmed an certain --ARS-- winner even before the match, with either flammable or Kenny (alanarsenal --ARS--) in contention. However, flammable came out as eventual winners.

And this is more than coincidence. Just yesterday, --ARS-- had been officially acknowledged as a POWER SOCCER CLAN. --ARS-- also named itself the "Asian Red Stars" at the same day. --ARS--, still a young clan - less than a month old, had been dominant in Asia regions. The rising power of the clan has been proved by 4 cups in 3 consecutive days - won by kingextreme, Kenny and of course, Eddy and Flammable.

Although most cups are won by the ones who participated in the Expert Cup, we strongly believe that the Rookie Cups can be won too. Why? Simply because our Rookie members are rising "Red Stars" - Just like how the Gunners create many rising stars!

Well done, guys! Keep it up, yeah! --ARS--, best in Asia and probably in the world - just like the "invincible Gunners".
