Sunday, May 25, 2008

We Will Stop Accepting Members Temporarily.

We are sorry to announce that our clan will stop accepting new members temporarily, because we are planning on a re-built in the next 2 weeks. Thanks!

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Red Stars from Philippines! rian_rian!

A Yellow Star that came down from the Galaxy & become a Newly born Red Star!
Let us give a warm welcome to rian_rian!

Our 1st Red Star from Colombia! darkness186!

After leaving --kane-rain-- clan due to some personal reasons.
darkness186, decided to join the Clan. and Starting now, A red star from Colombia is gonna fight with us side by side!
Let's give a Warm Welcome to darkness186!

kAizEr05's 1st Post!

yup... that's true! kaizer05 learns how to post :p