Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Clan battle and ranking system released!

Yes u've heard it right, clan battle and ranking system have been released! To officially join us click Become member in this URL for PowerChallenge or URL for Miniclip

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The new gem of Asian Republics!

Proudly we annouce the arrival of our new member subasa1106 aka Phuoc who join us in the revival of --ARS--. A great Power Soccer player who kept a low profile in the game, he will be another great addition to our impressive list of players. Welcome once again to the Asian force of Power Soccer Phuoc!

Friday, October 24, 2008

New big name addition for --ARS-- ! We're back!

We're proud to announce dhencio from the Philippines as our very first new member of --ARS-- (now being known as Asian Republics). Donnie a.k.a. dhencio will be a valuable addition to our clan as he is an outstanding player yet he is a very good admin. A BIG welcome as a part of our new force of Asia!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

We Will Stop Accepting Members Temporarily.

We are sorry to announce that our clan will stop accepting new members temporarily, because we are planning on a re-built in the next 2 weeks. Thanks!

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Red Stars from Philippines! rian_rian!

A Yellow Star that came down from the Galaxy & become a Newly born Red Star!
Let us give a warm welcome to rian_rian!

Our 1st Red Star from Colombia! darkness186!

After leaving --kane-rain-- clan due to some personal reasons.
darkness186, decided to join the Clan. and Starting now, A red star from Colombia is gonna fight with us side by side!
Let's give a Warm Welcome to darkness186!

kAizEr05's 1st Post!

yup... that's true! kaizer05 learns how to post :p

Monday, April 21, 2008

Our New Reporter for Power Soccer.

Congrats to our member maxzer --ARS-- for getting his reporter post in Power Soccer. Wishing him all the best with his new job!

Our First Red Star from Pakistan.

A warm welcome to our first member from Pakistan: snowvane --ARS-- who had already join us on 18th of April, 2008. Cheers!

Notice: Two Members Out.

Two members ismail_matar and scurpz20 is no longer our member for some specific reason.

Cups Update!

The Red Stars are celebrating a total of 3 cup victories from 16th-19th of April, 2008 : Asia & AU Expert Cup 321 (zeniph --ARS--), Asia & AU Expert Cup 329 (zeniph --ARS--) & Asia & AU Expert Cup 330 (adewitya --ARS--). Congrats to our winners!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Best Keeper Voted By You!

The best playing GK goes to G.Buffon as voted by you, thanks for voting!

Gianluigi Buffon

1 | Juventus Turin Goalkeeper
Height: 1.90m. Weight: 83.00kg. Nationality: Italy
Born: 28/01/1978 in Carrara
First professional match: Parma - Milan : 0-0 le 19/11/1995

Sources from:

Cup of The Day!

zeniph --ARS-- won the Asia & AU Expert Cup 315 2008 to make it 3 cups in 2 days for the Red Stars! Cheers!

Cup Doubles!

Our clan bags another double today when kaizer05 --ARS-- and new boy sazali --ARS-- dominates the Asia & AU Expert Cup 311 2008 finals with kaizer05 --ARS-- running out as the winner. Meanwhile in another cup Asia & AU Expert Cup 312 2008 we saw zeniph --ARS-- triumphs after hard earned victories in the quater and semi rounds. Congrats! We Rules!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Two New Members Today.

Let's give a warm welcome to our two new members of the day magician112 --ARS-- for Malaysia and scurpz20 --ARS-- from the Philippines. Cheers!

Five New Recruits.

We Proud to announce ismail_matar --ARS--, sazali --ARS--, soccaboy93 --ARS--, sehaj_7 --ARS-- & amtesh_10 --ARS-- as our new members who joined us on April 13th, 2008. Welcome to our big family and wish you guys all the best with us!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

--ARS-- Being Featured Amongst the Top 10 Clans!

Nearly two months after the forming of --ARS--, our clan was yesterday being featured in the featured clans ( alongside other top 10 elites clans of: --THE ELEMENTS--, Marx Brothers, --Legends--, BDKAS, ---HTBK---, Crescent-Stars, U.X.C, --JCKAS-- and --madini--. Congrats to --ARS-- and other featured clans, cheers! Lastly, a special thanks to Power Soccer for featuring our clan and our members maxzer --ARS-- and Kingextreme --ARS-- for their efforts in promoting our clan to be featured at the summit!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quickies: Two Red Stars Became Admins in Power Soccer.

zeniph --ARS-- and kaizer05 --ARS-- has been made chat admins in Power Soccer this April, congrats and wish them all the best in their jobs respectively!

Video Section Finally Ready!

Catch the most brilliant goals from our members in our video section under "Videos". Guys, if you have a nice goal which you wish to feature in the video section, may submit to us or tell us which highlights you wish to upload(in case you don't know the way to save the video and mail to us), we'll do the whole job and get your video featured!

7 Cups in 6 Days!

Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at
Free Image Hosting at
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Red Stars were in a mood for cups for the past 6 days as the combination of kaizer05 --ARS-- and zeniph --ARS-- has reap in 7 Asia & AU Expert Cup trophies for the clan. Stated below are the cups list:
Asia & AU Expert Cup 287 2008 (Created:4/5/2008 4:05pm)
Asia & AU Expert Cup 288 2008 (Created:4/5/2008 7:05pm)
Asia & AU Expert Cup 293 2008 (Created:4/7/2008 4:05pm)
Asia & AU Expert Cup 294 2008 (Created:4/7/2008 7:05pm)
Asia & AU Expert Cup 303 2008 (Created:4/10/2008 7:05pm)
Asia & AU Expert Cup 305 2008 (Created:4/11/2008 4:05pm)
Asia & AU Expert Cup 306 2008 (Created:4/11/2008 7:05pm)

Congrats & 3 Cheers to --ARS--!

Reporters needed!

We are in urgent need of reporters as we're missing out on highlighting cup wins and keep every triumph in our trophy cabinet. On the other hand, every department of the crew has been running well since being formed last month, especially talent scouting which recruits some of the best talents for our clan. Well done to them. For those who are interested in the reporter's post please fill up the multi-purpose form under "contact us". Thanks!

First Ever English Red Star!

We're proud to announce our very first English member english_soldjr --ARS-- who had joined us on April 7th, welcome to our big family and thanks for making us thick!

New Red Star from Philippines.

Let's give a warm welcome to our new member okaam --ARS-- from Philippines who had joined us on April 7th, 2008. Cheers!

Triple Recruits!

We're truly delighted to unveil our triple recruits: wwe10 --ARS--(Our first American Red Star), lolkaba --ARS-- and jiwa_luka --ARS-- on the 5th of April, 2008. Thanks for joining us and hope you guys have a great time with others in our big big family! Cheers!

The 39th Red Star!

Big welcome to jai_brave --ARS-- who had joined us on 4th April, 2008. Hail the 39th Red Star, cheers!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Notice: No more ASIA

No more ASIA

We have taken full consideration and decided on leaving and denying our clan collaboration ASIA. Please take notice and drop ASIA/ASiA immediately, sorry for any inconvenience!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

3 Cups in 2 Days For The Red Stars!

There was 3 cup wins for us in two days thanks to the convincing displays of kingextreme --ARS-- on winning the Asia & AU Expert Cup 278 2008 today and zeniph --ARS-- on bringing in the cup double of Asia & AU Expert Cup 276 2008 & Asia & AU Expert Cup 275 2008 the previous day. Bravo!

Notice: power360 Leaves Clan

power360 had leave our clan to join his relative m.banjir's clan Fire fly United, we would like to thank him for his contribution and wish him the very best!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Video: Perfect Goals!!! (Chapter of Freekicks)

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: s9708953a --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: KingExtreme --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: flammable --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

Submitted by: KingExtreme --ARS--
Date: 31/03/2008
Title: Perfect Free kicks (Chapter of Free kicks)
Credits: maxzer --ARS--(who owns this video highlight).

ATTENTION: Beware of Password Fraud

We have recently discover a player cholo10xxx conning victims to take over their account by promising free membership for certain period. Unfortunately, one of our member had been a victim and we would like to share a smart solution by him to get back the account if anyone had lost it before, go to "forget password" and fill in your user name and email, and retrieve the current password for your account. Anyway, our advice is not to give away your password to anyone in any situations!

m.banjir Departed From Our Clan.

It's a happy but sad day as m.banjir had departed from the clan to concentrate on his own team/clan Fire Fly United FC. We thank him well for all his contribution to --ARS-- and wish he'll shine brightly like a fire fly in future!

Quickie News: razona --ARS-- Triumps in PowerTour no.12

Free Image Hosting at
Congrats to razona --ARS-- for bagging a bronze the in PowerTour no.12-2008 held recently.

Info & Screen Shot by: razona --ARS--

Our First Japanese Red Star!

We're proud to introduce our first Japanese member ciennel --ARS-- who had join us earlier today. ciennel, known for his reputation as a polite and sporting player, will drive --ARS-- far as a fair play clan! Big welcome to our growing family!

New Member on March 27th!

Welcome kevi24 --ARS-- who becomes our second Australian member of the clan on March 27th! Welcome on becoming a member of our family!

Red Stars Reaches 50 on Cup Wins!

zeniph --ARS-- wraps up the treble today by winning the Asia & AU Expert Cup 270 2008. Viva, we're back to counting cups again!

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hail Kenny And Maxzer!

Kenny and Maxzer won consecutively 3 EXPERT cups amongst them in the past two days!

Kenny won two expert cups, Asia & AU Expert Cup 267 and 268! and Maxzer added the Cup 269 into the list!

--ARS--ASIA thank you for your contributions! 49 Trophies now!!! Cheer Guys!

Keep up the good work guys!

(Kind Reminder: DST starts today in europe, so timings shift forward by an hour over here! For example, Cups that are supposed to be 12nn are at 11am now! Real Life Football matches also follow this rule! UCL matches start at 2.45AM SGT instead of 3.45AM SGT now!)

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Notice: Two Members Booted Out!

We have terminated the membership of m.faris for dissent during matches and newly joined tohai86 for swearing in gamerooms.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Golden 39th!

This is a superb day as we welcome our first Canadian member razona --ARS-- after our very first Australian Red Star on the same day. Welcome to our growing family and we're going worldwide!

Welcoming Our First Aussie Red Star!

It's another page of history as we welcome our first Australian member dah_best --ARS-- to our clan. Compliments to flammable --ARS-- for the great job on bringing in this very special member on this special day. ViVA!

Cup won!

maxzer --ARS-- went on to lift the Asia & AU Expert Cup 256 2008 today. The trophy will be the next one for the Asian Red Stars' trophy cabinet. Well done maxzer!